1st class Home School – 2nd June

Hi everyone,

This week we would have been going to Clara Lara but as you know we won’t be able to go (deposits will be returned in September).
Let’s do a virtual school tour instead. You can choose where you’d like to visit and it doesn’t even need to be near Gorey.

Make sure to draw/write about where you visited and what you saw.

This is our final month of school before summer holidays so keep up your great work. Remember my email is sarah.culliton@stjosephsgorey.ie for you to send me any work/queries.

This week’s work and timetable;
(click on the links underlined)

  • Jolly Phonics spelling sheet ‘au’
  • Sentences – try to include some questions and speech”
  • Irish Spellings – lámh (hand/arm) & cos (foot/leg)
  • Reading –
  • New Wave Mental Maths – Week 34
  • For those on Spellings for me programme keep practicing and testing so you can master your learning words.
  • Tables practice – focus on both speed and accuracy;
    • Do these Addition tables on Monday and try to beat your score and time on Wednesday.
    • Do these Subtraction tables on Tuesday and try to beat your score and time on Thursday.
    • Practice Mixed tables on Friday.

Here is Choice Board 8 for you to pick and choose from.