Around the World with 6th Class

After studying all about Greece, everyone in 6th class chose a country to research and prepare a project on. All students made a fantastic effort and we even got to hear students teaching the class about their chosen country. All we need to do now is book some flights!!

Works in Progress

A small sample of some of the drawings soon to be entered into an exciting class competition. The children have been trying to be as creative as possible and have been giving each other helpful feedback to create the best entries possible.

Holidays are Coming!

6th class have been getting into the festive spirit this December. The students researched the artist Van Gogh and used his work as our starting point for our snowman paintings. The students each created a unique snowflake to decorate our Christmas bauble for the local shopping centre. We decorated our class door, the inspiration was a winter wonderland. We tessellated 2D shapes to create a beautiful Christmas tree. The students’ characters say Happy Christmas in the native languages of all pupils in our school.