Playground leader training

Well done to the 30 boys and girls who completed their playground leader training last Friday in school. This training was given by Wexford Sports Active. The morning session focused on discussion around being a leader, the middle part was creating games suitable for the yard at lunchtime and in the afternoon the leaders got to practice their learning with 1st class. The infants will be very excited to have this in their yard at big break.

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World Book Day Celebrations 2023

World Book Day was a huge success here in St.Joseph’s Primary School. To celebrate World Book Day each child was given a World Book Day token to encourage reading . Every child could dress up as a favourite character from their favourite book and there was some fantastic costumes parading the school for the day . As a whole school we celebrated this day through a special announcement of DEAR time over the intercom . Classes were busy designing their own book covers as well as drawing their favourite characters . It was a positive experience for all and great effort was invested by parents, teachers and students . We all thoroughly enjoyed the day . Happy Reading !

The Stars Are Brightly Shining!

Well done to all the children in our school who each designed a star for our annual display in Gorey Shopping Centre. It looks wonderful! Be sure to visit and see if you can spot yours.