Category Archives: Ms. Rochford’s 2nd Class
End of Year Awards Ceremony
2nd Class School Tour!

Seachtain na Gaeilge sa Ranganna 2 agus 5
Tháinig rang 2 agus rang 5 le chéile chun leabhair Gaeilge a léamh agus taitneamh a bhaint astu.
Ms Rochford’s 2nd class and Mr O’Brien’s 5th class came together during Seachtain na Gaeilge to read and enjoy Irish storybooks together.
Bhí orthu an bhrí a fháil amach ag baint úsáide as pictiúir, focail atá ar eolas acu agus tuiscint choiteann. Rinne said obair iontach!
The pupils figured out the meaning with the help of pictures, words they know and common sense. They did a great job and had fun in the process!

Olympian – Marcus Lawler’s Visit
We were delighted to have a truly inspiring role model, the Olympian sprinter Marcus Lawler, visit the school on Wednesday, 13th March last. This was as a result of Ms Kinsella’s and Ms Rochford’s 2nd classes winning a national competition organised by Dare to Believe to host an Olympian.
Only 50 schools nationwide (from primary and secondary schools combined) won this award. We had a wonderful day thanks to Marcus’ generosity and to Dare to Believe.
On arrival, Marcus was welcomed by 2nd classes at Reception.
How to train like an Olympian and more …

Then Marcus was welcomed by the whole school in the hall. He spoke about his life as a professional sprinter and about the Tokyo Olympics.

After our time in the hall, Marcus met with 2nd classes. As it was his birthday recently, we sang happy birthday to him in French. Pupils who speak a language other than English and Irish also wished him happy birthday in those languages. Of course, we also gave him cards.

Then Marcus gave an inspiring, age-appropriate presentation on Olympic values.

Getting tips from the expert!
After that, 2nd classes went back to the hall for some sporting activities with Marcus.

Marcus then took 5th and 6th classes for the same series of sessions as he did with 2nd classes.

Now for a look at our Olympic art in preparation for the visit: