6th Class School tour

Last Thursday 6th Class went on their first school tour of the year. We had a wonderful time.
Our first stop was Croke Park where we toured the stadium and practised our GAA skills in the games room.
Next we visited Collins Barracks where we took a guided tour of their 1916 exhibition before visiting Arbour Hill Cemetery where 14 of the rebels involved in the 1916 Rising were laid to rest.
On our next school tour we will visit Kilmainham Jail where the leader of the rising were executed before being transported to Arbour Hill.
We also visited the restored Asgard ship, a former gun-running ship which is housed at Collins Barracks.

Our final stop was to fill our hungry bellies in McDonalds, Stillorgan. This is always one of the most looked forward to parts of the day, by pupils and teachers alike. The rain held off, we had lots of fun and great memories were made that will last a life time.