Junior Infants Work: Mrs. Kirwan

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all keeping well and are looking after yourselves and your kids. Below are some activities for your children to do.


  • revise correct formation of numbers 1,2,3 and 4.
  • Number 5: “down, around, give him a hat, making a 5 is as easy as that.”
  • complete pages 24-27 Busy at Maths Home/School Links


  • continue to revise all the Jolly Phonics sounds in the Sound Copy, paying particular attention to diagraphs (sound pairs) eg. oa, ch, etc.
  • get your child to blend the sounds in simple words eg. cup, bag, flat, etc and in words containing diagraphs – ship, flash, bench, chat, chess, this, thank, three, sharp, bark, pack, brick, term, river, chain, rain, pie, lie, tree, sheep, corn, storm, ring, swing, spoon, moon, foot, hook, queen, quack, cloud, point, join, rescue, statue
  • letter formation: get children to revise the formation of letters formally introduced in school: c, o,a, d, g, q, i, j, l, k ,t, r, n, m, h, b, p.
  • Reading: book 7 – The Telescope
  • revise words already introduced: saw, cloud, moon, star,
  • new words to introduce: planet, bird,
  • read the story ( log onto www.edcolearning.ie , username: primaryedcobooks, password: edco2020, click on “Big Box Stories – “My Little Box”, The Telescope pg. 61)


  • Encourage your child to complete colouring and cutting activities.
  • There are lots of educational websites that will provide learning activities for your child such as www.enchantedlearning.com , www.starfall.com,  www.teachyourmonstertoread.com , ie.ixl.com/maths and www.twinkl.ie as already mentioned.

Stay well and stay safe.


Máire Kirwan