Ms. Hackett Senior Infants Additional Work

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all keeping well during this time. I have listed additional work below for your child to complete. Any work that is completed at this time can be placed in your child’s homework folder. Thank you for your co-operation.


  • Busy at Maths homework book p.30-33
  • Practise counting to 20 forwards and backwards
  • Practise identifying their right hand and left hand
  • Practise writing numbers. E.g. write out all the sums that make the number 9 (0+9=9, 1+8=9, 2+7=9, etc.)
  • Practise drawing 2D Shapes: Circle, square, triangle, rectangle


  • Practise writing all the capital letters A-S
  • Introduce Capital Letter ‘T’
  • Handwriting workbook p.50, 51
  • For those that were absent and don’t have the handwriting book, practise these formations in a copy or on a sheet of paper.


  • Finish reader ‘A Snowy Idea’
  • Go over the following tricky words:
  • Live, give, little, down
  • What, when, why
  • Where, who, which (Practise reading and writing them)
  • Ask the children to say some of the poems that we have learned (Listed below)

Religion/SESE: Holy Week and Easter

  • Grow in Love book:
  • The Last Supper p.42 and 43
  • Jesus dies on the Cross p.44 and 45
  • Jesus Rises from the dead p.46 and 47
  • There is a Powepoint on the website ‘Twinkl’ to explain the story of Easter

  • To log into the website ‘Twinkl’ for free, create a login name and password. Use the code: IRLTWINKLHELPS
  • There are great activities available on twinkl for senior infants such as this senior infant pack


  • The children love to complete dances and exercise on the website ‘Go Noodle’. If you type this into google and click into it a number of activities come up for children to complete.
  • There are online PE lessons available Monday to Friday at 9am Live on YouTube ‘The Body Coach TV’ ‘P.E with Joe Wicks’

Please stay safe and I hope to see you all sometime soon.

Kind Regards,

Sarah Hackett



Spring makes the world a happy place,

You see a smile on every face.

Flowers come out and birds arrive,

Oh isn’t it grand to be alive?



I’m a little penguin

Black and white,

Round and fluffy,

What a sight.

I can’t fly

But I love to swim,

So I waddle to the water

And I dive right in!


Oh Mr. Giraffe

Oh Mr. Giraffe you make me laugh,

You seem to be made all wrong.

Your head is so high,

Up there in the sky

And your neck is so very long,

That your dinner and tea,

It seems to me,

Has such a long way to go!