1st class Home School – 25th May

Hello to all my hard working students,

I saw even more super work from you this week so let’s keep it up. 🙂

Most of you have your books at home now so I am including work from those in the Choice Boards. For those of you that do not have your books, you can access them on CJ FallonEdco Learning (username: primaryedcobooks password: edco2020) and Grow in Love (email: trial@growinlove.ie password: growinlove).

If you would like to include a photo, when you are sending this week’s work, I will post it on the website so you can see each other working. My email is sarah.culliton@stjosephsgorey.ie for anyone who hasn’t been in touch yet.

This week’s work and timetable;
(click on the links underlined)

  • Jolly Phonics spelling sheet ‘ur’
  • Sentences – try to include question words
  • Irish Spellings – bróga (shoes) & cóta (coat)
  • Reading –
  • New Wave Mental Maths – Week 33
  • For those on Spellings for me programme keep practicing and testing so you can master your learning words.
  • Tables practice – focus on both speed and accuracy;
    • Do these Addition tables on Monday and try to beat your score and time on Wednesday.
    • Do these Subtraction tables on Tuesday and try to beat your score and time on Thursday.
    • Practice Mixed tables on Friday.

Here is Choice Board 7 with lots more to choose from.