Mrs. Carter’s Work 2nd – 5th June 2020

Hello everybody, how are you all? I hope you’re keeping safe and well. It was great to hear from those of you who have contacted me. For those who haven’t just send me an email at and I will forward your child’s report to you. The weather has been absolutely beautiful, we have been very lucky. I hope you’re getting lots of exercise everyday and enjoying all of that sunshine, while keeping yourselves safe at the same time.  Hope you’re getting lots of reading done too. From now on I’m just giving you some English and maths to concentrate on which will leave you even more time to spend outdoors having fun.

I have attached the answers to last week’s New Wave Mental Maths answers and this week’s Figure it Out Answers. Use these to help you spot where you’re going wrong. In Maths, if you find you’ve made a mistake, use the answer to help you work backwards and try to figure out where you’re going wrong. If you need any help please email me on

This timetable is a guide. You can follow it if you like or follow your own schedule.  Do not worry about getting it all done. Do what you can. Your best effort is all that any of us can do. I received some fantastic work this week boys so keep sending it to me at If anybody would like any other work just email me also. Stay safe everybody!!


Timetable 2nd June

NWMM answers pg 92-94– last week’s work

Maths June 2nd

English June 2nd

If anyone would like to use Google Forms to complete their sentences you can use this one HERE


Test yourself in maths- Level 5 or 6

There are great books available- ebooks and audio on Epic

Duolingo is a great way to practice your Irish. You could also use it to get a head start on the language you have chosen next year.

The app Caoga Caoga is also great for practicing Irish

BorrowBox is the online library app and has lots of great books available to borrow for free