Miss Doyle Junior Infants 8th-12th June

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a good week.

This week we are focusing on English and Maths again. Remember, the work set out below is just a guideline-do as much or as little as you can. Once the children revise their sight and tricky words and counting they are doing well.

If you have any questions or concerns you can email me at katiedoylestjosephs@gmail.com.

If you would like your child’s artwork, writing, etc. shared on the website feel free to send me a photo.



  • Picture/writing worksheets below. Just like last week talk about the picture, read the sentences and then write your own sentence(s) about the picture.

Parents-encourage your child to try to write the sentence independently. You could write down some key words for them to choose from. Help them to place the letters correctly on the lines-small letters sitting on the bottom line and stretching up to the centre dotted line. Tall letters sitting on the bottom line and stretching up to the top line.

Picture writing worksheets 2


  • ‘My Little Box of Books’ book 10 ‘The Spaceship’-Read and discuss.
  • [go to edcolearning.ie and login with the following details; username-primaryedcobooks and password-edco2020]

Tricky words

  • New tricky words this week-so, my


  1. Sound out the word phonetically and point out that when we sound out the word like this it sounds ‘funny’. It is a tricky word.
  2. Explain that in this word the letter ‘o’ is ‘tricking us’ by making the /oa/ sound. ‘/s/-/oa/ so’


  1. Sound out the word phonetically and point out that when we sound out the word like this it sounds ‘funny’. It is a tricky word.
  2. Explain that in this word the letter ‘y’ is ‘tricking us’ by making the /ie/ sound. ‘/m/ /ie/ my’

Tricky Word worksheets ‘so’ and ‘my’


  • Wordbox 11



  • Busy at Maths interactive activities: number 121, 122, 123, 124 on the 7th page

Access interactive maths activities by going to https://www.cjfallon.ie/. On the right of the page click ‘parent/student resources’ then click ‘student resources’. On the page that appears select the following boxes: Primary-Junior infants-Maths-Busy at Maths-Busy at Maths Junior Infants-Interactive.


  • count the dots on the dice and check the colour. Colour each section of the picture according to the matching number on the dice.

roll and colour

Revision-2D Shapes:

  • Apple tree craft-Cut out and glue the apples on the tree, matching the 2D shapes.

Apple tree 2D shape craft


  • Maths scavenger hunt-follow the instructions to complete the scavenger hunt. You could gather and take a photo of or draw the items if you wish. Tick the box as you complete each task.

Maths Scavenger Hunt

Suggested timetable:


  1. Picture and writing page of your choice
  2. Reading-book 10 ‘The Spaceship’; discuss as you read
  3. Busy at Maths interactive activity 121


  1. Tricky word ‘so’-introduce and worksheet
  2. Apple tree craft
  3. Busy at Maths interactive activity 122


  1. Picture and writing page
  2. Reading-book 10 ‘The Spaceship’
  3. Roll and colour maths worksheet


  1. Tricky word ‘my’-introduce and worksheet
  2. Busy at Maths interactive activity 123
  3. Wordbox 11-5 words


  1. Revise tricky words using your tricky word booklet
  2. Maths scavenger hunt
  3. Wordbox 11-5 words